I was immediately put at ease with José at the start of each session and comfortable to confide in her my problems. José observed and identified brilliantly how to guide and help nurture a positive outcome from our sessions. Although José helped steer the bus, I had to work hard to establish the direction myself. This embedded a new way of thinking to embrace my emotions, to be not be perturbed by difficult situations and nurtured a new life purpose encompassing key values I hold dear.
I could not speak highly enough of José and the difference she has made to me.
Thank you.
José helped me gain clarity in the context of my career and related issues from the past, the present, and questions about the future.
Thanks to José’s expertise I thoroughly enjoyed the coaching. She helps you see yourself through a mirror, as it were. She does this with a mixture of questions, examples, assignments, and the Human Givens toolkit, and by finding connections.
Her warm personality certainly also contributes to the experience and ensures that you can truly be yourself. The clarity I achieved gave me confidence, confirmation of myself as a person and of my ability, and complete faith in all of this.
When I was ill I always thought that it would be good for something, and in part thanks to what I learned from the counseling with José this actually proved to be true. We clicked from the first moment we met, and I am grateful to her for the successful coaching helping me to work again. Even after completing the counseling, I still use her tips and often think back on the useful examples/metaphors she used. A fine combination of theory, tips, and tricks to put into practice! José’s approach and help make her a true top coach!
She gave me tools for working in an organization which, to put it mildly, has been and still is in the midst of change. I think I can say that the positive conversations with José probably averted a long-term leave.
Would you like to know more?
Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.
José Steer
Raphaëlstraat 10 huis
1077 PR Amsterdam
The Netherlands
3/1 61 Kersland Street
G12 8BS Glasgow
United Kingdom